❤ Fenugreek: Fenugreek comes in pill form. It’s a dietary supplement. You can buy this just about anywhere. It’s recommended that nursing moms take 2-4 capsules, 3 times per day. You can also purchase Fenugreek as a tea. Most mom’s report noticing a change in 24-72 hours. You’ll know it’s working once your urine starts to smell like maple syrup….. yes I did just say maple syrup. Your sweat may smell like syrup also. You might want to buy some pancake mix because you’ll be craving them once you smell that maple syrup!
❤ Coconut Water: This comes highly recommended by lactation consultants. An added perk is that it provides a lot of health benefits which are awesome for your postpartum body. Coconut water is sold at most grocery stores.
❤❤❤ Lactation cookies: Number three is my personal favorite because these cookies are so yummy. Eating the cookies will yield immediate results.It’s totally safe for your family to eat the cookies.I eat about 2 or 3 a day…okay maybe more but ideally that’s all you’ll need to see a difference.
❤ Food: Plain and simple, you have to EAT to make milk. Not empty calories but eat the foods that are good for you. Doctor’s recommend that you eat an extra 300-500 calories a day while breastfeeding. Eating small frequent meals throughout the day will help. I found that eating a granola bar or snack during the night feedings helps as well.
❤ Brewers yeast: This is a key ingredient in those delicious cookies I told you about. It’s also found in beer (I am not recommending that you drink beer). Another awesome way to get Brewers Yeast into your diet is to put it in a drink.
❤ Power pumping: You mean weight lifting? No silly, I’m talking about pumping in cycles. After you nurse immediately pump for 10 minutes. This will get any extra milk out that the baby didn’t need during that session. Another way is to pump for about 10 minutes. Take a 15 minute break then pump for another 10 minutes. Do this for a couple of cycles. The way power pumping works has to do with supply and demand. Your body produces more if you tell it to.
❤ Rest: Sleep sleep sleep! Seems impossible with a newborn or if you have other children in the house. Trust me I know! However, get it in whenever you can. Your body has to rest momma!
❤ Water: Staying hydrated is such a big deal. What’s that? You already drink 64 ounces a day (8 cups). Well drink some more! You want to aim for half your body weight in water. Example: if you weigh 180 pounds you should drink 90 ounces a day. The best way I’ve found is to keep a water bottle close by at all times.
❤ Oatmeal: Another key ingredient in the cookies. Some moms prefer rolled oats over steel cut oats. Although I don’t enjoy them, steel cut oats makes more milk. If you’re making cookies though please use the rolled oats. If you’re not a fan of a bowl of oatmeal in the morning try adding some dry oats in a smoothie. An added benefit here is that oatmeal is good for weight loss and heart health.
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